Install Google IME for writing in indian languages !

Install Google IME in 2 clicks!

Google IME for offline pc !
(i.e. PC which cannot be connected to internet )

Easiest way to write in any Indian language!

Google Transliteration IME is available for
Gujarati / Hindi / Marathi/ Punjabi / Urdu/
Bangla / Oriya / Nepali
Tamil / Malayalam / Kannada / Telugu / Sanskrit

Start writing in your own Indian language as easily as you write English! With this program , just write the regional word the way it sounds, and voila ! The program will show (suggest) you what you want to write !

Installing Google IME has been made easy here by providing direct downloading link. For XP users, link for additional files required is also provided.

VISTA  / WINDOWS 7 / 8 users  

From any of the following links ,
install Google IME for the language of your choice.

          32 bits  verion

       64 bits  verion       (WINDOWS 7 / 8)

if you don't know 32-bits/ 64-bits details, try with 32-bits files first. If it  fails to install, go for 64- bits file.

(if any of these links found not working, 
go to original download page by clicking here)

After download is over,click on the downloaded file to complete the installation.

Go to Control Panel > Regional & Language Options  > Keyboard and Language > Add...
Click on language for which you have installed  Google IME. 
Expand the item by clicking on + button, and in keyboard, select Google IME keyboard.   

WINDOWS XP users:-  

 Before downloading above Google IME file, you will have to activate Asian Language Support in XP by downloading and then running the program  from this link :

When You are asked to Re-start computer ,  please accept and re-start your PC.

How to use program after installation
 ( the official Help Page for Google IME is available HERE )

Now, whenever you want to write in your language,Just press the EN button that appears before trey area, before clock.Click on the language of your choice, say Gujarati.Immediately, the EN icon will now show GU.
Start writing !

Whenever you want to switch between English and Gujarati ,Press F12.
The language will return to normal- English.
Press F12 again and your language will return.

When you want to quit this program ,
click on the GU icon and select your original language. EN.

If EN does not appear on your taskbar, right-click on taskbar,
point to Toolbars & click on “Language Bar”
Now, the EN should appear on your taskbar.

the official Help Page for Google IME is available HERE